Hi. My name is John-Mark Steadman. I’m 15.
I have memorized James 1-5 and Ephesians 1-2. I love James! The whole book has so much feeling. For example, James 1:19-22 says,
“My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man’s anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires. Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.”
I am someone who is not quick to listen and not slow to speak. I can get angry a lot. This verse shows me that I need to control myself. James 2:14 says,
“What good is it, my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save him?”
This verse really pops out to me. My faith needs to be something real. So I need to make my faith real by the way I act. I need to listen. I need to be slow to speak. I need to be slow to anger. Wow! That’s something I need to work on!
Something that I encounter a lot as a teen is swearing. As a Christian that’s not legit. James 5:12 says,
“Above all, my brothers, do not swear—not by heaven or by earth or by anything else. Let your ‘Yes’ be yes, and your ‘No,’ no, or you will be condemned.”
This verse is very important and reminds me to not allow any foul word out of my mouth.
There are so many verses in James that I love and relish.
I’m going to finish memorizing Ephesians this year.
Then, on to Revelation. I can’t wait for that one!
Hi John-Mark,
Loved reading your testimony of how you hide God’s word in your heart so that you might not sin against Him! Psalms 119:11 Jesus says, “if you love Me, keep My commandments,” John 14:15. I can see you are a leader and someone who is setting a great example to your peers of what it looks like to follow and love The Lord Jesus! Would have been great to have the godly wisdom you have when I was 15. You are blessed!
God bless you and thanks for encouraging us all,
Chris from Dallas, TX
Thank you very much!
Wow! John-Mark, keep up this practice, by your testimony the Word is having it’s perfect work in you as evidenced by the way you are applying it to your life. I am going to share your story with the teens at our church. We are finishing up a week of Bible School and we have some teens that are memorizing large portions of scripture as well. I am sure your story will encourage them to keep it up. God Bless you!
I hope my story helps them. It’s not hard to memorize. But you have to put yourself to it. That’s the hard part and so is applying it.
Quite an impressive young man. I wish I had been as wise as he is at that age.
thank you.
Hi John-MARK,
Thank you for sharing your story today. Great reminder of how we can use scripture to help us combat our sin in our lives every day.it is great to see a young man taking God seriously. Keep pressing on in the Lord’s strength. May God bless you as you memorize His word. Thank you.
Thank you for being so real. It’s hard sometimes to be transparent and let others see our struggles, but it helps when we do. You have been an encouragement to me. I know you will be blessed as you continue on with the Word of God.
Thank you very much for the encouragement.
I quite agree with all the above mentioned comments and words of encouragement. I especially agree with Sheila, I, too, wish I’d started a lot younger in my memorization. You are a lot further than I am. I just finished memorizing Romans 8, at the age of 44 (yes, present age). Probably the best bit of recommendation that You gave to Me was to “put yourself into it.” Thank YOU!!
I’m glad I was able to encourage you. Great job with 8!!!
fantastic!! 1 Samuel 2:30 says “Those who honour me I will honour”, that’s you, John-Mark:)
thank you.
That is so stinking cool!
What a fantastic story. I would think that youth pastors in your area would be interested in having you give your testimony about what memorization has done in your life. Have you ever thought of starting a group or for kids your age? Y’all could get together every week or every 2 weeks and cheer each other on and recite to each other. You never know. It might become huge.
My oldest son is your same age. And even though he won many awards in AWANA when he was younger, he has not kept up his memorizing, and your story encourages me to keep praying that my son will return to the love of Gods Word.
Hey, guess what? I just finished the book of Ephesians. Hang in there. It’s worth it.
Cling tight to your faith little man. The enemy is not a happy camper right now and is actually pretty perturbed, because a 15 year old guy memorizing scripture cannot possibly be good for him.
But (hahaha) 1 John 2 tells us that “you (young men) have OVERCOME the evil one.”
Will you do me a favor John Mark? Would you consider keeping us updated on your memorization? I would love to hear how you are doing. I’m really excited you plan to take on Revelation.
Thank you very much! I haven’t thought of starting a group. Thats a fantastic idea! I will definitely consider it! I hope your son catches fire and gets the hang of it again.
Great job on Ephesians! And thank you for the encouragement!!!! And I will definitely do my best to keep you updated!
John-Mark, What a joy to read your story and hear about your journey. May the Lord raise up an army of strong young men like you to lead us all. Press on to know and love God more. So proud of you !!!!
Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to write this blog. God bless you!
I always enjoy hearing about young people memorizing and quoting the Bible. It is very encouraging to hear about the hunger that God has given you for his word and the desire he has given you not to be conformed to this world but to be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Keep running the race you are off to a great start.
thank you.
I would love to hear why you picked James to memorize- what a challenge ! The last verse of the book haunts me sometimes ! I have memorized that book myself and the accountability is now there. Sometimes I don’t want to get involved in the ” mess” – but if we care enough to “bring him back” when we see someone straying we may save someone from eternal death! I hope my son has a friend like you praying that over him! I am on the lookout for men to add to my MMV book I am going to write one day for girls to know (mighty men of valor ) . A man who prays God’s word over his friends, enemy’s and the woman he loves …. Is a MMV in my book!
I chose James for two reasons. One: because it’s the book my mom wanted me to start with, and two: because of how clear and easy it is to understand. Thank you so much for the comment!
We should always be willing to get involved in someones mess. And I’ve been a mess and people have gotten involved for me. And it means a lot.
John-Mark, just-so-proud of you. And beyond thrilled with your choice of the book of Revelation to memorize after you finish Ephesians. And–may the grace of the Lord Jesus be with you in the days to come. Just-so-proud of you. Love, Mom.
We are all proud of John-Mark. The world needs more mighty men of God.