I’m relatively new to Scripture memorization but at the right time, God put the desire in my heart to memorize longer passages and books after hearing that it had been done, and coming to realize it was actually possible to do.
A few years ago I began with Ephesians but because I didn’t review, I didn’t retain much of it.
Next I decided to memorize James and resolved that this time, whatever I had to do, I would remember what I memorized. Memorization, as opposed to just cursory reading, has really opened my eyes and heart to what God is saying. Things I would dismiss in the past as not pertaining to me I would now have to meditate on. For instance, I never realized the severity of my problem with my tongue until I memorized James. I’m an introvert who is extremely quiet so how much evil can I speak really? Apparently a lot! Every day the Holy Spirit gently and lovingly reminds me that my religion is worthless if I don’t bridle my tongue (James 1:26); the tongue is a fire, a world of unrighteousness (James 3:1-12); not to speak evil against another or judge a brother (James 4:11); and not to grumble against another (James 5:9). And every day He helps me as I seek to align my heart with His. God’s word truly is profitable for teaching, reproof, correction, and for training in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16).
I am so grateful to God for putting the desire in my heart to memorize Scripture. My relationship with Him is more intimate because of it and for the first time in my life, I feel His presence with me at all times as I learn His word and speak it back to Him all the day long. He’s my constant Counselor, Companion, and Friend who really does have my back and wants to transform me into the likeness of His Son. I want that, too, more than anything, so I will continue to press in to Him with Scripture memorization and obedience to what He is teaching me.
After James I memorized the life changing prayer in Colossians 1:9-14. I am now memorizing 1 Peter. After 1 Peter I will revisit Ephesians. I am so excited to see what God will show me next.
Beautiful story full of encouragement to memorize the word of God. You have a great story.I am new to scripture memorization as well so I LOVE the stories for encouragement.
Thank you for sharing your story, it is a blessing.May God continue to strengthen you as you run the race for Him.
Paulette, your comment is an encouragement to me. I, too, have been so encouraged by the Friday stories. Thank you.
Thank you for sharing your story, Holly! It’s so true how in the process of memorizing Scripture, things we would normally gloss over in our reading become something to grapple with when the Word is in our hearts. May the Lord continue to bless you in this!
Exactly! God shines His light into the dark dusty corners of our hearts revealing to us things we had not seen before. I love how there is conviction free from condemnation. Thank you for your encouragement, Shari B.
Hi Holly, Your comment about conviction without condemnation really resonated with me. We need conviction in order to grow and we welcome it (ouch!) but we are free from condemnation because of the gospel. Thanks for your insight.
Janet, THANK you for so much. For memorizing and writing your book (which I found “by accident” and from which I learned so much), for your kindness in answering my quiet little email after I read your book (totally did not expect a response), and for directing me to this wonderful community of like-minded people who desire to know God better through hiding His word in their hearts. I am so grateful.
Thank you so much for sharing your story. Isn’t it interesting how memorizing a larger portion of scripture allows the Holy Spirit to accomplish His work more than when we memorize a random verse here or there. Ephesians was where I started my memorization journey as well. Don’t give up! It’s so worth the effort. I hope you will take advantage of this community Janet has graciously put together and we can hear more of your story along the way.
Keep memorizing!
Yes, yes. I will never give up. I have found the thing I was born to do. Thanks for the sweet encouragement, Chérie.
Holly, I love your story and your sweet spirit. I agree that memorizing God’s Word draws me close to Him and that I know Him as Counselor, Companion and Friend. Thank you for the sweet reminder of the reason to memorize. God bless you!!
Susan, you BLESS. Thank you so much for reading my story and for your kind words.
I was encouraged as well. How did you get past the first couple of chapters? I got to chapter 2 of Colossians and couldn’t seem to get any farther–or remember everything I’d learned thus far. What ideas have others used? I’d like to try again.
Hi Susan, I am so thrilled to welcome you to our community. I would love to encourage you to keep coming to our blog Mon, Wed, Fri, for extra encouragement and practical helps and tips. Today’s blog Jan 6 is about TOOLS that will help us in memorizing. Also, ask as many questions as you want to and many people will give their perspectives. We are all on this journey together and when we fall down others are here to pick us up. Welcome!!!
Hi Susan,
Everyone has their own way that works for them. I have to work hard at remembering. I print out the chapter(s) I’m working on, fold them up, and carry them in my pocket so I can review them all day. When I get hung up on a word or phrase I circle it so I know to go back and spend extra time on that word or phrase. I also review a LOT. I am still reviewing James every day and plan to for at least six months before dropping down to once a week. It only takes about 15 minutes. I’m hope this helps a little. I’m so glad I could encourage you. Keep on keeping on!