April 18th, 2017
The rain forecast for today comes as no surprise—it’s April. And we know that April showers bring May flowers. We overlook the nuisance of rain because we delight in landscapes beautified with flowers. And another essential reason—our food supply depends on it.
God’s lessons from nature also come as no surprise.
“As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and …
April 7th, 2017
I began the wonderful journey of scripture memorization in my forties. I am now 61 years old and have had the privilege of going half way around the world to teach the children in Cambodia the value of the memorized word of God. I began memorizing the word after a Wed night bible study on the book of James at our little country church. I soon found out the joy of God’s word going …
March 27th, 2017
I got up this morning dreading the day. With coffee in hand, I headed to my desk to read the psalms and find solace. I read the first words on the page and tears cascaded down my face. I cried till the Kleenex ran out.
Today is one of those days when life hurts. I feel blindsided by people who did not respect me. I feel like God let me down. I feel …
March 17th, 2017
I took up memorizing scripture right after I recovered from a bout of postpartum depression that lasted for months, during which time I couldn’t physically open my bible due to the oppression of the enemy yet I knew my soul was dying of thirst and longing desperately for God’s word. I came across a book by Janet Pope called His Word in My Heart, and something in me shouted out with delight.
I …
March 10th, 2017
Spring is just around the corner. Time for planting trees and shrubs and flowers. Who am I kidding? I’ve never planted anything in my life—and I’m good with that—no green thumb here. But we’re still going to talk about planting, because spring represents a time of new life and growth and beauty, after a winter season of leafless trees and brown grass.
In Psalm 1, God gives us a metaphor to describe the …