August 15th, 2014
My name is Janet Horsley Prison and I was a Mormon. I was born to Mormon parents, married a Mormon man in the Mormon Temple, and raised four children in the Mormon Church. I am now a Born Again believer in Jesus Christ. You may ask what happened that I should question the Mormon religion? Many seeds were planted before I left Mormonism but I found the truth in the Word of God.
August 11th, 2014
God portrays himself in the Scriptures as a jealous God. We naturally misunderstand this attribute, giving it human implications, like a jealous wife who resents her husband’s job. The Hebrew word has the idea of being zealous and passionate. Dr. Ron Allen, seminary professor and theologian, writes,
“Yahweh has zeal for the truth that He alone is God and that makes him jealous of any rival.” Two aspects of this jealousy …
July 28th, 2014
By no means a major character in the New Testament, Demas haunts me as the person I don’t want to follow.
Paul mentions Demas briefly in three of his letters. The first two, Colossians 4:14 and Philemon 1:24, identify Demas as Paul’s companion and co-worker during Paul’s first imprisonment in Rome. The final mention of Demas, during Paul’s second imprisonment, tells a different story. Written to Timothy, shortly before Paul’s execution, these …
July 25th, 2014
At the age of twenty, Charles Spurgeon became the pastor of New Park Street Church in London. His preaching drew large crowds thirsty for God’s Word. The following are a collection of his quotes about the Bible. and one in particular about memorizing Scripture.
Old-fashioned believers could give you chapter and verse for what they believed; but how few of such remain.
If you wish to know God you must …
July 23rd, 2014
Many people assume that I’m a prolific reader. Not so. I would guess that I read less than ten books a year. I spend considerable time in the best-selling book of all time, and after that, much of what’s out there seems like a bunch of fluff. When I do read other books, I’m drawn to deep theological works by scholars gifted in expounding the Scriptures. OK, I admit it, I’m a Bible …