Share-Your-Story Friday. Tony from MI

A dear friend of mine sent me a video on Facebook. While viewing the video, I was in simple awe and amazement at what I was seeing. This woman was reciting the first chapter of the book of Ruth. She wasn’t reading it—she was actually reciting it. I wanted so badly to learn how she learned to do it, so after some searching, I was able to find her blog, and e-mailed her. …


Share-Your-Story Friday. Lana from AK

(photograph from Karrie Denise Photography)

It’s hard for me to sit and write my story as I am just an ordinary woman. I pray the Lord’s name will be praised as I convey my heart in this short story.

In 1998, Steve and I were married and made our first home in Anchorage, Alaska where Steve was raised. In 2000 we were overwhelmed when God blessed us with a baby boy—Alex.

When …


Where To Begin?

Beginners’ questions give me a rush of adrenaline. I’m eager to help anyone avoid some common pitfalls because I had no one to ask when I started memorizing more than 20 years ago. I began with the book of Ephesians, but I don’t recommend it. I’ve seen too many people quit because a lengthy passage got the best of them. The long road ahead overwhelmed them before they’d built up confidence that they …


Time To Recalibrate

Do you ever feel overwhelmed with the expectations put on Christ-followers? • feed the homeless, help the orphans and widows, visit the prisoners • fight for justice • go to Africa • reach out to neighbors • cook meals, clean house • be a loving spouse, raise godly offspring • and don’t forget to put together shoe boxes at Christmas All good things but the list never ends.

Did you know that …


Why Memorize the Bible?

In every generation humans have been compelled to store away lines from poems and songs, movies and speeches. Shakespeare devotees still thrive in the 21st century.

We borrow the beauty and strength found in someone else’s words, and take ownership—mantras we wish we could have said. We walk with Robert Frost in The Road Not Taken. We taste the bitterness of another in, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. Patriotism wells …