Share-Your-Story Friday. Carol from TX

I was sitting in the audience as Janet Pope was speaking. It was perfect timing, just the way the Lord does things. I’d been challenged for some time by Jackson, our 3-year-old grandson (now 4), and the way he was memorizing Scripture. In fact, our favorite Christmas gift last year was a DVD of him reciting 5 Psalms with great expression (1, 8, 19, 23, and 96, I think – he also has …



I look out the window. Another black and white day—nothing’s new, nothing’s changed. Then all of a sudden, an unexpected flutter. Out of nowhere a majestic bird appears. I marvel at its wingspan and the precision of its landing. I seize the moment to linger. My eyes refocus and follow every twitch.

Curiosity wells up inside me. What kind of bird is this? Is he looking for food? Is her nest close …


Terrifying Awe

Memorizing chapters and entire books inevitably leads us to verses we wouldn’t otherwise choose to memorize—lots of them. When we read the Bible we can quickly skim over difficult teachings without coming to grips with their application, but memorizing doesn’t allow us to breeze through the hard parts. An example from one of the books I’ve memorized:

God is just: He will pay back trouble to those who trouble you and give …


Taking Detours

Construction near my house sends me on a convoluted detour, meandering around side streets and dodging orange cones. This squanders my time and squeezes my patience. “Why don’t they just hurry up and finish the road?”

I don’t like detours—I want to stay on the main road. Even metaphorical detours frustrate me, especially those of my own making.

Can you hear this hymn playing in the background? “Prone to wander, Lord I feel …


Share-Your-Story Friday. Lisa from WI

The Lord saved me later in life at age 38. For many years as I read my bible, and I’d think, “Wouldn’t it be great to memorize a whole Psalm?” I always wanted to memorize Psalm 1, but never thought I’d be able to!

As the Lord grew me in faith, I began writing scriptures on note cards to memorize while I took walks. Back then, I didn’t understand how important it was …