Best-case scenario

Never in my lifetime have I witnessed the world so focused on one thing—Covid-19. I feel compelled to write something, but I’m not going to tell you to wash your hands. Rather give me a few minutes (700 words) and I will give you a best-case scenario that comes in two parts. 

Part 1: Humankind has been humbled. We have been proud and arrogant in our human achievements. Our saturation with knowledge and endless options …


More than a Fish Story

Is anyone else feeling tension and stress over all the political fighting that’s going on right now? I hate to turn the news on because it seems all civility has been lost. The following story refreshed me with a reminder that politics is only temporary, and our role is to humble ourselves by honoring others, for the sake of the kingdom.

“After Jesus and his disciples arrived in Capernaum, the collectors of the two-drachma …



Inspiration drives many of us to memorize Scripture, but equally important, the practical aspects need to be in place, so that we keep at it for the long haul.

With jam-packed lives, running from one event to the next, how do we keep room in our schedules for memorizing and reviewing? I saw an illustration this morning.

I live in a neighborhood filled with townhouses, apartments, and patio homes with no backyards. …


Another Significant Woman

This summer at my church, I taught a five-week series on Significant Women from the Bible. If I’d had one more week, I would have loved to teach about the woman in Mark 12. Jesus made her a teaching lesson for his disciples. Not a long lecture, not many details, not even her name—just an observation that escaped everyone—except Jesus.

“Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched …


Review it to Glue it

“How in the world do you remember all that Scripture?” A common question with a simple answer. I review!

The human brain doesn’t store everything it comes across. When information is important and you want to remember it, you tell your brain to store it by reviewing the information over and over. Things as simple as learning the days of the week, to more complicated concepts like chemistry symbols, all require memorizing and …