Choosing to be Grateful

During this Thanksgiving week, we remind ourselves of the over-the-top blessings that fill our lives. We thank God for the gifts he gives—too numerous to count. And without hesitation we thank him for the hard times that bring us closer to him. We witness lives plagued with hardship and we read about others. Their gratefulness feeds ours.

I’d like to share an excerpt from Choosing Gratitude, by Nancy Leigh DeMoss. This comes …


One More Reason To Memorize

The City of Lights suspended in darkness.

Shock and grief, horror and anger, fear and apprehension. Paris was targeted, but the whole globe shudders, and wonders, “Will we be next?”

As we watch our world grow darker, we realize we’re in a battle much bigger than ourselves, with few answers for this abominable foe. Our humanity reacts in fear and anxiety. With no intervention in our thinking, we eventually slide into …


Entertainment or Entanglement

This morning, I have my Scriptures sitting on the bathroom counter, ready for review, but my mind drifts to last night’s football game. Overtime—and my team loses. W-a-a-a-a-ah!

Our quarterback got injured in game two, and we’re all anxiously waiting for his return. Now mid-game, one of our defensive stars gets knocked out with a concussion. This nail-biter has all the makings of a great victory, but in the end we come …


Tax Collectors

Do you ever wonder why tax collectors in the Bible get such a bad rap? Jesus advocates paying taxes, yet even he lumps the tax collector into a category with prostitutes and other undesirables. Why is the tax collector singled out as scum?

In Jesus’ day, Jews live under an oppressive Roman Empire, and they view tax collectors as disloyal Jews who work for the enemy—the hated Romans. Furthermore, most tax collectors live …


Disturb us, Lord

Disturb us, Lord when we are too well pleased with ourselves, when our dreams have come true because we have dreamed too little, when we arrive safely because we sailed too close to the shore.

Disturb us, Lord when with the abundance of things we possess we have lost our thirst for the waters of life. Having fallen in love with this life, we have ceased to dream of eternity, and in our …