
When I speak to audiences about Scripture memory, the subject of legalism often surfaces during the Question & Answer time. People want to warn me about getting too legalistic about all this memorizing. While I do understand their concern, it’s obvious they’ve missed my whole motivation.

Legalism, by definition, is the strict observance to man-made rules, regulations and laws, based on the misguided assumption that adhering to this code of conduct is a means …


Goals: Ambitious & Attainable

When it comes to goal setting, it’s hard to find the balance between stretching yourself to accomplish noble things, and keeping them realistic and reachable. I love setting goals, and working toward them. Last year, I was a little too ambitious on my goal setting and felt a measure of disappointment at year’s end.

There’s a saying out there “It’s better to aim for the stars and hit only the moon, than …


The Unexpected

In Matthew’s gospel, right after the birth of Jesus, he writes about some unexpected visitors, Magi from the east, seeking the whereabouts of the One who has been born king of the Jews. “We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him” Matthew 2:2.

Matthew, a Jew himself, writing to a Jewish audience, first tells about gentiles who come to worship the Messiah, while the Jewish establishment stays …



The greatest story ever told—God sent his Son into the world, as a baby. That’s what Christians celebrate every December.

I love the part about the shepherds. On a clear starry night, while watching over their flocks, an angel of the Lord appeared to them and the glory of the Lord shone around them and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good …


Calendar Stress

When the calendar flips a page and December stares me in the face, the stress begins to rise. At this stage in my life I’ve already streamlined my list down to the bare minimum, so there’s not much more I can cut out. Physically, it’s all do-able, but for me, the struggle is mental. My mind runs to all the places it shouldn’t. The comparison trap holds me prisoner and steals my joy. …