Why Memorize the Bible?

In every generation humans have been compelled to store away lines from poems and songs, movies and speeches. Shakespeare devotees still thrive in the 21st century.

We borrow the beauty and strength found in someone else’s words, and take ownership—mantras we wish we could have said. We walk with Robert Frost in The Road Not Taken. We taste the bitterness of another in, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. Patriotism wells …


A Trustworthy Messenger

“Like the coolness of snow at harvest time is a trustworthy messenger to those who send him; he refreshes the spirit of his masters.” Proverbs 25:13

In the heat of harvest, an early snow refreshes the workers in the same way a loyal trusted messenger is refreshing to the one who sent him.

If we have been reconciled to God through Jesus Christ, then we are God’s representatives, His messengers on earth, …


Scripture Memory Burnout

People ask me “Do you ever get burned out from memorizing Scripture?” My absolute honest answer? “No, in 23 years of memorizing I’ve never felt burned out from memorizing.”

I can easily compare Scripture memory to another enjoyable habit of mine. I’ve never gotten burned out from drinking coffee early in the morning. I need that coffee. I love it. It satisfies me. It wakes me up and energizes me for the …


Recognizing False Teachers

The Bible warns that false teachers are among you. They’re not hiding out somewhere—they’re in your midst. Not everyone that claims Jesus as their God of choice is indeed Christian. False teachers abound, some with best-selling books, a large viewing audience, and/or convention-sized auditoriums.

False teachers and true teachers of the Word have equal access to the media and use the same channels to get their messages out: worship services, TV programming, …


Discipline or Desire?

“I wish I had your discipline.”

Over the years I’ve heard that comment more times than I can count. Sometimes it comes after a speaking engagement, voiced by someone in my audience. Sometimes it comes from friends and acquaintances. I never seemed to have the right words to respond. I would usually shrug my shoulders, shake my head and sigh at their predicament.

One evening in 2009 I took a different …