Flat Tire

Back in my mid-20s, single and naïve, a concerned neighbor wanted to teach me, and my two roommates, how to change a flat tire. Before the days of cell phones, being stranded could land you in a dangerous predicament.

This training session was not how I envisioned spending my Saturday afternoon. Filled with youthful optimism, I couldn’t imagine ever needing to know this information. Our friend insisted, and so we endured this …


Parents, Lead the Way

Enthusiastic parents eagerly sign up their children to memorize Bible verses. Like sponges we want them to soak up all the good things in the Bible. We want them to:

• know how much God loves them • discern truth and error in what they hear at school • stand alone against peer pressure • trust God’s Word as a source of wisdom for whatever life hands them • find comfort when life …


The Overflow of the Heart

Yesterday, while driving to the bank, but before I’d left my small, quiet neighborhood, I noticed a man walking two dogs. So that he would not have to wait for me, I ran the stop sign (yes, I did). Another neighbor in his car lowered his window and I lowered mine, assuming he wanted to tell me something. He screamed at me with profanities that I had run the stop sign. Then, for …


Just Do It

Jumping off last week’s blog on meditation, I now take it one step further. My point, that meditation brings insight from God, leads us to ask, “Is that the entire purpose of meditation, to give us insight into the text?”

In addition to Psalm 1 and 2 Timothy 2:3-7, another passage expounds on the reasons why God wants us to meditate on His Word. God speaks to Joshua, the new leader of …


Meditation—new age or new you?

We aspire to be like the person in Psalm 1, who delights in God’s Word and meditates on it day and night. But the concept of meditation often conjures up images of sitting in the lotus position and chanting unintelligible words in a monotonous drone. We don’t fully grasp what meditation is or how it produces the benefits described in Psalm 1.

In many world religions meditation involves emptying your mind for …