“Hear my prayer, O Lord; listen to me, O God.” This common refrain found throughout the psalms, defines our purpose for praying—we want God to listen to what we have to say. We want God to know what’s on our minds and in our hearts.
NEWS FLASH! God is omniscient. He already knows:
• what we want to say
• what we wish we could say
• what we thought about, but didn’t say
While not suggesting that we skip praying because God already knows what’s coming, I am suggesting that the focus of our prayers, mine included, are often ME centered. Our own self-absorption keeps the emphasis within our own little circle.
When Jesus taught the disciples to pray he began with, “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come; Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Individual agenda took a backseat to God’s agenda. God’s name and God’s kingdom were preeminent.
Here’s another common refrain we find in the prophets, “They have not listened to My words.” “They did not listen to the voice of the Lord.” Too tedious to count the number of references, God’s people routinely ignored him. They did not listen to him.
While man cries out to God, “Listen to me!” God calls back, “Listen to Me.”
If we will consistently listen to God, hear his thoughts and pursue his heart, God’s Spirit will bring our thoughts and desires in line with his. Then we’ll find the answers we’re looking for, we’ll find the peace we seek.
That’s why we memorize God’s Word. It keeps us listening, and waiting. It keeps us hopeful, and trusting. It puts us in God’s sphere, seeing things from his perspective. It changes our desires and bends our will to his.
Have you ever prayed, as I have, “God, I hope you’re listening?” That should not be our concern, for he always hears us. Rather let us pray, “Lord, help me to listen to you. Enable me to hear your voice so that I will follow wherever you lead.”
May we pray as the young boy Samuel prayed, “Speak Lord, for your servant is listening” (1 Samuel 3:9).
How has memorizing Scripture helped you listen to God?
Going over scripture propels me into prayer, sometimes in the Spirit and sometimes with the understanding but it raises my hunger level for Him. I heard Him say the other day,”pray for others as you would have them to pray for you.” If I were they, and they were I and the circumstances were reversed,would I want someone praying for me what I might be praying for them?!
Each time I review memorized Scripture I sense a little more clarity and increased understanding of God’s message to me; I hear his heart a little more distinctly.
I struggle with Tinnitus (which is a constant ringing in the ears). Recently it has gotten a little worse and as I adjust to my new normal and how it might interfere with my hearing, I’m even been concerned that it might interfere with my hearing God’s voice! The relentless noise is most distracting when I settle into my favorite chair to have my time with God. Everything around me is quiet but the sound in my head can seem deafening. I really did ask the Lord if I was going to be able to hear him. I knew that he speaks to my heart, but the noise seemed like quite a challenge to conquer. And then I began reviewing his Word and I was transported to his heart where his voice spoke clearly. It wasn’t until I finished that I realized I hadn’t even noticed the “din!” Had it lessened or was I just engrossed? It didn’t matter. It was a relief to know that my “ears” still worked!
Karen, thanks so much for sharing that. It relates to all of us who feel distracted by something. God wants to hear him even more than we want to hear. Let’s all get engrossed in his words and we will hear him. Great lesson.
Before I read your book, His Word in my Heart, I focused only on memorizing individual verses that were my favorites. However, as a result of reading your book, I was challenged to memorize a whole passage. While some verses in that passage may have been favorites, by memorizing the whole passage or chapter, for the first time, I was really hearing all that God wanted me to know from that portion of Scripture, not just from my favorite verses. I have learned so much since I began memorizing Scripture in its context because now I’m meditating on truths in His Word I had missed before when I was just pulling out my individual favorite verses to memorize. I’m so thankful for the way the Lord has used your book in my life to give me the confidence to begin memorizing passages. Thank you!
Brooke, It’s my joy to point others to the benefit of memorizing passages because that’s how God has worked in my life to get to know Him better. As the saying goes, “I’m just one beggar showing another where to find bread.” Thanks for sharing your thoughts with our community.
I believe God speaks to us today through His Word so in memorizing and repeating it back over and over, He has more and more opportunities to speak to me. For example, when I’m struggling with my thoughts, He reminds me of that verse in the 4th chapter of Philippians “Finally brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue and if there be any praise, think on these things.” I wouldn’t have been reminded of that if I had not committed it to memory, along with all the other treasures contained in that chapter! I’m rather new in memorizing passages of scripture, but I absolutely love it. I want to do so much of it quickly, but in order to learn as I memorize I have to slow down and really listen to the scripture I am working on. When I do, it is so rewarding, God’s Word never disappoints!
thank you Vickie, I completely agree. Its the saying it over and over part that makes it finally sink in with me. And later, months and years later even, God reminds me again and again of the truths in his Word. Glad you shared that with us Vickie.